How to create dynamic fields in React Component

Hey Friends,
In this tutorial we’ll know that how we can create dynamic fields in react js. I hope you are aware with the Installation and setup the React application using CRA utility provided by react.
I am assuming that you have already setup a react project. So lets get start it.

create a file named DynamicForm.jsx and add following basic class syntax in it.

Now add some initial state in constructor.

Loop through the initial data in render method

Noticed we have used handleChange & handleDelete method in above jsx, so lets create those methods as well

Now will need Add new row button and save form button, so let them create before the dynamic form fields are rendering

Now above buttons handlers to handle new row and save the updated/filled form data to api/server.

Now All code at one shot

Now just Import and Add this component where you want we have called it in App Component like this, putting my App.js code

Note : I have used classes from bootstrap css framework, if you haven’t implemented the bootstrap in your project then you may edit
index.html from public folder and add following bootstrap css cdn link to look this demo fine.

put this in head section

This is all I have for this blog, if you have any queries then let me know me via contact us form or do comments below. Also the live
demo for this code is available at