Stripe Subscriptions using php – Download Full Source Code

Hi Guys,

In This blog article i am going to explain about STRIPE SUBSCRIPTIONS USING PHP and making available the source code also. by extending this code you can make a complete subscription management script.

Here in this article about

stripe subscriptions using php ,

i am going to create a pricing table where 3 type of plans are defined that plan will create on stripe if plan not exists on stripe panel and then create a customer and create a subscription in that customers reference.

Note: the Stripe account is the pre requisite for you , where we will require stripe publishable key and secret key.

and the stripe php library will be require for including in config file so dont worry about the stripe php library it will be available in full source code download of this article.

Step 1: Create a config file and put following code :

Note : you need to change the publishable key and secret key in this config file

Step 2:  Create a file index.php where pricing table and stripe client side code will come as following :

Note : here you have 3 plans listed with different subscription plan and data(like plan name,plan price,plan interval [month/year/week/day] and currency)  which are defined in hidden fields in every stripe form tag inside every pricing options.

Step 3: Now the Stripe Server Side code where after inputing the card details Actyual payment need to be done

So create a file create-subscription.php which is already included in index.php code in top lines, and this file wil have following Code:

Now you are Ready  it will look like this :

stripe subscriptions preview
stripe subscriptions preview

and if we click on any subscription button it will prompt a stripe popup like this

stripe subscriptions credit card promt by stripe
stripe subscriptions credit card prompt by stripe

Click HERE to download full source code

Note: this is completely Free script.

if you have any trouble in download this then please contact me at or ask query in comments below