How to work with AngularJS as frontend and PHP MYSQL as backend

Hi Geeks,

In this tutorial you will learn that how to work with AngularJs as web frontend or in any hybrid app and get retrieve data from database using php and mysql. We have created restful webservice for return records to angular app.

Now steps for making a angularjs app with php and mysql –
Step 1) Create a database and table for fetching content from the table
Note: If you want to use existing database then select you db else create a new db with ‘news_db’ or whatever you want to take a db name.
Now Create a table named ‘news’ for getting data by following sql statement

Now Dump some dummy records by following insert statement:

Step 2) Create a file named config.php with following code

change credential according to your database and server host
Step 3) Now create a file for webservices named wsdl.php
Define Cross origin headers in this file by following code

Now code for getting data from database and provide in restful json format by following code

So complete Code for wsdl.php is following

Step 4) Now Start with frontend
Step for Getting data from database using angularjs as frontend and php & mysql as backed
make a file named index.html
include the script which i have attached with this post

Now make a ng-app with following html

make a html table format inside the div for getting data from datasource(php/mysql restful service) as following

Now put the script that call the restful web service and load data to the table

Now complete Code for index.html

Congratulations you have completed with this tutorial please provide comments for this tutorial. [viraldownloader id=146 text=’DOWNLOAD COMPLETE CODE’]

Published by

Jeetendra Singh

Jeetendra Singh is a Full Stack Architect who has 12+ Years of Experience into Software Development. He is a Microsoft certified technology Specialist and AWS Certified Associate Architect. His Major Interests are in Mongo Db, Express Js, React Js, Node Js (MERN STACK), Python, DJango, Redis, Mysql, Dynamo DB , Devops, Jenkins, Cloud/Lamda , Fast Api. He build variety of applications using Python, Mern, Mean, Node, JavaScript, jQuery & PHP